At the start of this year the No Jab No Pay law came into effect here in Australia – parents on low incomes are denied certain child payments if their children, up to the age of 18, have not had every vaccine on the government’s recommended schedule.
In addition, the way was paved for No Jab No PLay laws in the states (note the L in Play), where working parents who don’t vaccinate cannot put their children into child care – this has been taken up by Victoria and Queensland, which has a watered-down version, all up making Victoria the most draconian state in the world regarding vaccine mandates, at this time.
The purpose of these laws is supposedly to get all children vaccinated so everyone in the community will be protected from the 14 infectious diseases we currently vaccinate for in this country.
The problem is that many parents know their children have had serious adverse reactions to vaccines in the past, and will do everything they can to avoid giving their children any more vaccines. Other parents have done their research, and are fully aware of the adverse reactions other people’s children have had, and also the way vaccines compromise the individual’s immune system well into the future, and they too do not wish to vaccinate their children.
So these parents, should they be on a low income, are left in a situation where if they don’t vaccinate their children they cannot afford to support them, but if they do they know they are risking their lives and well-being.
Typhoid Mary?
Politicians and health authorities say we should not have freedom of choice when it comes to protecting our communities from contagious infectious disease, and in some situations I would agree with them.
If someone showed up with ebola or some similar disease, I think we would all have no hesitation in isolating that person from everyone else, until they recover. If they say they want to go to their friend’s birthday party and have the “right” to do what they want, we would say… “er… we don’t think so”.
But what has happened with the push for mandating vaccines is that the population has been educated by the media to believe unvaccinated children are a danger to others, and this simply is not true.
Unvaccinated children are not carriers of disease. Sick children are carriers of disease. Unvaccinated children are known to be, in the main, very healthy and rarely get sick or need antibiotics. Vaccinated children these days, who receive many, many more vaccines than their parents or grandparents had, visit a doctor 11 times a year on average, and generally have antibiotics often. See Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers
Older children and adults who have been vaccinated for whooping cough can, as a result of the vaccination, carry that disease without symptoms should they come into contact with it, endangering newborns – it says so right here: Whooping cough resurgence due to vaccinated people not knowing they’re infectious?
Vaccinated children also often get the very diseases they have been vaccinated for, their parents believing the untrue hype that the illness would have been worse had they not been vaccinated (knowledgable doctors out there do not subscribe to this belief). Then they can spread it, too – many outbreaks of measles have been in highly vaccinated populations.
Measles, mumps and chicken pox
In the pre-vaccine era, measles, mumps and chicken pox had been stable in the human population for a long time, occurring in regular cycles in the under 10 age group. Most children caught these diseases, immunity after infection was life-long, and maternal antibodies gave infants protection. This was real herd immunity in action.
Deaths from measles, mumps and chicken pox had plummeted, becoming very rare, before the respective vaccines came into use (look for mortality data going back to 1900 or earlier).
Today, because the vast majority of children in the US and Australia are vaccinated for these diseases, they only get the short-term, weak, vaccine immunity, so now:
- they are getting these diseases as adults, when all are very nasty
- mothers are not passing antibodies on to their babies, leaving infants vulnerable
- the viruses are not circulating in communities, giving us boosters to immunity (in the case of chicken pox vaccination this has lead to increased shingles in older people, in the US).
It is true unvaccinated children may well catch these diseases should they come into contact with them. Luckily for them, they will gain life-long protection, so won’t have to suffer the illness as adults, girls will have the antibodies to protect their babies, and they will even have a natural protection from cancer most of their peers miss out on.
But will they spread these “deadly” diseases? Well, they can stay at home if they are sick, but they might. The thing is that these diseases are not as deadly or dangerous as made out by health authorities – figures like 1 in 1000 children who catch the disease will die or be brain damaged are simply untrue. Lies, actually. These sorts of figures come from reported cases only, or from the third world where children are dehydrated and undernourished – do challenge your doctor to show you the evidence if he/she tells you that.
Please do not fall for the hype around protecting the immunocompromised – often they are this way from unwise medical intervention in the first place, and they can be treated with immunoglobulin, see Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy in Primary Immunodeficiencies
And the sad fact is that these people can still die without any contact with measles or the like, as there are just so many infectious microorganisms around they can’t all be removed from our environment. Have you caught a cold lately?
Medical intervention
To me, the glaring fault in a program of mandating vaccines for all, is that it comes from an underlying assumption that we cannot be healthy without medical intervention. That if we don’t get this, that or vaccines from “the doctor” we’re gonna die.
We have law-makers who apparently sit there shivering and shaking at the thought they could be taken at any moment by some random microbe, not understanding that healthy humans actually have an immune system that Works. Well.
Our communities are made of individuals, only when the individuals fully understand they can be responsible for their own health and don’t need outside intervention as a preventative measure, or cure, for every single ailment, will our communities really be healthy – and they certainly are not at the moment.
Del Bigtree, producer of Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe, chimes in on the issue of constant medical intervention in this short video, in the second half:
I’m all for getting medical help for something serious, if it looks like the best option, by the way.
Cheers – Robin
Please I saw a letter made out to centre link by a ladies stating what laws the government has been breach, I wonder if any one can tell me where I can see it again