In 1986 the US government passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which prevents most citizens from suing drug companies for damage done by their vaccines. They did this because drug companies were leaving the vaccine market in droves due to paying out so many millions of dollars in compensation for vaccine injury they could not afford to stay in the vaccine business. A doctor’s group lobbied members of Congress saying vaccine supply was threatened if people were not stopped from suing.
Vaccine Court
Included in the act was the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), in recognition that some people are injured by vaccines and should be compensated. The NVICP payouts are paid by the government and funded by a tax of 75 cents on each vaccine dose, paid by the manufacturer. The increase in price is covered by the government, and therefore by the taxpayer.
The compensation payouts are generally a lot lower than people had been receiving by suing.
The NVICP is informally called the ‘Vaccine Court’, and most people in the US are not aware it exists. Read about the program here, on a US government website:
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
The NVICP reports their settlements every 3 months. To see the original government reports, go to this page, click on “Meeting Book” or more recently, “DOJ Presentation” for the period in question, and search through the PDF for the Adjudicated Settlements list. In the June 4 2015 meeting book, the settlements start on page 56 of the PDF and run to page 61.
Here are the first 3 tables of ELEVEN tables showing settlements for 3 months in the June 4 2015 report:
Please read this article to see all eleven tables in the June 4 2015 report, and to learn more about this program:
Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Continue to Increase in Federal Vaccine Court
If you would like to look at more recent reports without searching for them yourself, go here.
How much money has been paid out?
The total is around 4.7 billion dollars by July 1st 2024. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Data Report July 1, 2024
Also see a list of successful compensation cases handled by a law firm in Pennsylvania, USA, with amounts and links to court decisions:
Client Compensation for Vaccine Injuries
Lastly, regarding the NVICP, vaccine protagonists point out correctly that the payouts represent one injury in a million doses of vaccines given. From this they claim that vaccine injury is extremely rare, and the figures actually show the vaccines are very safe; this is where the often-repeated “one in a million” figure for rate of vaccine injury comes from.
However, only a very small proportion of vaccine injuries come before the NVICP; most people don’t know about the program, most doctors dismiss the idea that injury and death could be caused by vaccines so they don’t provide any assistance, potential claimants are in turmoil after a vaccine injury or death, claimants need to find a lawyer (the NVICP pays for the lawyer), and there is a time limit on starting a claim of 3 years.
Also, the politicians and others who parrot the “one in a million” figure are most likely assuming it means one in a million people, not doses, which is significantly different (this is discussed further down the page under ‘Calculating risk’).
Many cases that do make it to vaccine court are dismissed (see NVICP report July 2024 above) – it certainly is not easy to get money this way.
Several countries outside the USA have vaccine injury compensation programs; Australia does not.
Vaccine injury in the news
Brain-Damaged UK Victims of Swine Flu Vaccine to Get £60 Million Compensation
Family win 18 year fight over MMR damage to son: £90,000 payout is first since concerns over vaccine surfaced
Thousands of teenage girls report feeling seriously ill after routine school cancer vaccination
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
Schoolboy, 11, has been left unable to smile or laugh without suffering narcolepsy fits after he was given a nasal spray flu vaccine as part of a government scheme
Miami Man Contracts Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Nearly Dies After Getting Flu Shot
Nurse’s Aide Awarded $11.6 Million for Being Paralyzed by Mandatory Flu Vaccine
Gold Law Firm, LLC. the National Vaccine Law Firm Obtains Compensation for Man Injured By Flu Vaccine
Two babies die, dozens hospitalized after vaccination in southern Mexico
Settlement for Saba Button, severely disabled after flu vaccine
Gov’t admits rotavirus vaccine causes intussusception, adds it to injury compensation program
Science papers
Scientific Citations Linking Vaccines and Neurological Disorders (including: alterations to the nervous system, autism, demyelination, seizures, convulsions, epilepsy, brain swelling, and other neurological complications)
For excellent commentary and links to many science studies:
First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers
Gardasil is an HPV vaccine, intended to prevent cervical cancer. Watch ‘Sacrificial Virgins’, about girls injured by Gardasil.
News reports about Gardasil:
Cancer vaccine warning
Thousands of teenage girls report feeling seriously ill after routine school cancer vaccination
17 Year Old Laura: Another Life Ruined by the Gardasil Vaccine
Did HPV cervical cancer vaccine cause life-changing illnesses in Kent teenagers? – rescued article
Gardasil Update from Europe: Marketing Tactics and Injuries in Ireland
France Is the Second Country to Declare Scientific War on HPV Vaccines
Gardasil Researcher Speaks Out
Merck’s Former Doctor Predicts Gardasil To Become The Greatest Medical Scandal Of All Time
Unintended consequences of vaccination
Below are articles about unintended, undesirable consequences of vaccination, rather than being about direct injury.
Vaccines may have increased swine flu risk
B. pertussis resurgence may be due to asymptomatic, vaccinated carriers
Whooping cough resurgence due to vaccinated people not knowing they’re infectious?
Government Risks Male Sterility As Mumps Vaccine Fails
Measles jab reduces inherited immunity
Lawrence Solomon: The untold story of measles
The Polio Vaccine Continues to Spread Polio and Harm People in Poor Countries
Chicken pox vaccine associated with shingles epidemic
Melbourne Medical Doctor And Researcher Professor Frank Shann Believes Non-Live Vaccines Increase Infant Deaths In Third-World Countries
Another unintended consequence of vaccination is that by preventing people from catching febrile (fever) diseases in early childhood, they are more likely to develop serious disease, including cancer, later in life. Read about this finding on this website here:
Childhood Infectious Diseases Protect Us From Cancer Later In Life
Hepatitis B vaccine, aluminium & immune system dysfunction
A common vaccine injury is immune system dysfunction, in the form of anaphylaxis, allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Since around 1990 nearly all babies in the US and Australia have been given the hepatitis B vaccine, on the day of birth or shortly after.
The immune system of young infants is essentially suppressed, so it can learn what is “me” and what is “not me” – the immune system learns not to act against the baby’s own body. This is the case with all mammals; the young are protected from disease by antibodies coming from their mother via the placenta and breast milk.
The hepatitis B vaccine contains aluminium to act as an “adjuvant”, that is, to cause inflammation which jolts the baby’s immune system into action, so it will create hepatitis B antibodies as the vaccine is designed to do. The inflammation is painful.
There are two problems with this – aluminium is a neurotoxin, and the newborn baby’s immune system is forced to act in an unnatural way. The forced “jolt” into action makes the immature immune system act contrary to its design, which jeopardises its proper development.
Aluminium was first used this way in the early 1920s, when doctors were developing the diphtheria vaccine. The doctors tried injecting substances from the diphtheria bacteria, and found they only had success in preventing diphtheria disease if they put aluminium salts into their vaccine; there was no safety testing, they just put in as much aluminium as they could without causing too much pain (they tested for pain tolerance levels on orphans).
Aluminium is also used as an adjuvant in other vaccines given to infants in their first 6 months of life, while their immune system is in ‘learning mode’. Is it surprising there are so many cases of immune system dysfunction in young people today, such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, ear infections, diabetes T1, coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease and lupus?
Vaccine proponents say there is only a small amount of aluminium in vaccines; less than in food and water. But the fact that its purpose is to create enough inflammation to jolt a suppressed immune system into action makes it a hazard. Why would they put aluminium in many vaccines, it it didn’t do something?
Also, vaccine aluminium is in the form of solid nanoparticles of aluminium salts, and it is injected into muscle, where it stays for some time, much of it then distributed around the body, including into the brain, by white blood calls. This is very different from oral aluminium which is in ionic (dissolved) form; it enters the body via the digestive tract, and is flushed out again by the kidneys quite quickly.
These articles have good information about the link between vaccination and immune dysfunction / autoimmunity:
Attacking Ourselves: Top Doctors Reveal Vaccines Turn Our Immune System Against Us
How to Cause a Peanut Allergy Epidemic in 4 Easy Steps
By the way, hepatitis B is a blood-borne infection which can be spread from infected mother to baby during childbirth; mothers catch it by sharing needles with junkies and from having sex. Mothers are screened for hepatitis B before giving birth; there’s no need to vaccinate the baby if the mother doesn’t have it. Hepatitis B positive children are allowed to go to school, they aren’t considered a danger to others, and the disease clears naturally (it’s not like hepatitis C).
Personal stories
Most people with personal stories of vaccine injury or death have nowhere to tell their story but personal websites and vaccine websites. Their doctor usually does not want to know about it even if their baby died during the night after vaccination – it can be labelled as SIDS or SUD, for example, and a coincidence. So a court claim or mainstream news story is not going to happen.
Here are some of those stories – it is up to you whether you choose to believe them. You will notice these articles were published some years ago, before routine censorship of these types of stories really kicked in.
SIDS Death Plausibly Linked to Vaccines in a 4-Month-Old Baby Boy
Welcome to Nature Matters
Jodie’s Story: A Little Girl Lost After Illegally Given an Untested 8-in-1 Vaccine
My child’s vaccine reaction (FB)
Voices of the Vaccine Injured (FB)
Parents Voice: Children’s Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination
Gardasil Victims – In Memoriam – Healthy Young Women – Aged 15 to 21
Kayla’s story 5/12/15
5 Year Old New Jersey Girl Died from the MMR Vaccine, Holly’s Law Created
Stories of vaccine-injured children
Saba’s story (Saba Rose Button in Western Australia)
Calculating risk
Health authorities and politicians often say that very serious vaccine reactions, such as ADEM are only “one in a million.” This is one in a million doses, not people.
In Australia we routinely give around 50 vaccine doses to children. and many adults have multiple doses throughout their life.
In Australia we have a population of around 26 million people. Take into account the huge number of doses given per person, one serious reaction per million vaccine doses makes a lot of lives ruined, really. As discussed further up the page, the one in a million vaccine doses rate is vastly under-estimated.
The science studies that claim to show there is no link between vaccines and autism are all epidemiological, that is, they are statistical studies of large populations.
But hundreds of thousands of people claim their healthy, active child became very ill after being vaccinated, then gradually lost skills until they were diagnosed with autism – this is known as “regressing into autism”.
Some news articles:
Vaccine Court: Autism Debate Continues
Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
What the News Isn’t Saying About Vaccine-Autism Studies
Controversial Doctor and Autism Media Channel Director proven right
Government concedes vaccine injury case
BAILEY BANKS – In the United States Court of Federal Claims
MMR: A mother’s victory. The vast majority of doctors say there is no link between the triple jab and autism, but could an Italian court case reignite this controversial debate?
U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism
and science papers:
124 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link
Nowadays in the US, the Vaccine Court will automatically reject a claim for vaccine-related autism, so victims claim for other brain damage conditions instead.
Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe
Vaxxed is a film that started showing in theatres around the USA in April 2016. It is about how the population study used by the CDC (US gov) in an attempt to “prove” there is no link between vaccines and autism has been discredited by one of the scientists who did the research, who has turned whistleblower.
Website: Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe
Vaxxed reviews well worth a read:
Review of the Film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”
Vaxxed! The Movie I Couldn’t and Didn’t Watch . . . Until I Did
Since then there have been two more Vaxxed films made, Vaxxed II and Vaxxed III.
Please see the following page on this website Vaccines: How The Truth Was Lost for more about coverups and corruption.
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