Below is a list of resources that I’d personally recommend for people getting started with vaccine research.
The following links go mostly to US Amazon, but the books are available from other places as well, including Amazon Australia, most likely. I’ve given the Amazon links because you can easily see information about the books and can often get them for Kindle.
Basic book to read first:
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
by Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk
Another good basic book, with an Australian perspective:
Fooling ourselves on the fundamental value of vaccines
by Greg Beattie
This book has Australian mortality graphs and includes interesting information about vaccination in the third world, in Africa and India.
A must-read, with a truly great section on clinical trials:
Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth
Anon, edited by Zoe O’Tool and Mary Holland
If you are interested in autism:
How to End the Autism Epidemic
by J.B. Handley
If you are interested in food allergies:
The Peanut Allergy Epidemic, Third Edition: What’s Causing It and How to Stop It
by Heather Fraser
If you are raising children:
Raising a Vaccine Free Child second edition
by Wendy Lydall
If you are interested in polio:
The Moth in the Iron Lung
by Forrest Meready
VaxXed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe
A US government whistleblower claims crucial research into whether there is a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism was rigged to hide a connection.
The Pathological Optimist
This excellent documentary is a character study of Andrew Wakefield, and does not take a side for or against Wakefield.
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