A new Australian vaccine education project was announced just the other day! They will be providing courses and other resources to educate people about vaccines, and all of their content will be free. [Read more…]
Polio Outbreaks And Vaccines – A Story
In the United States the first outbreak of poliomyelitis, 26 cases, was in Boston in 1893, at the same time as its citizens were desperately spraying the just-invented insecticide lead arsenate to combat the plague of imported gypsy moth grubs that was denuding their trees. [Read more…]
The False Claim That Science Research Has Proven Vaccination Does Not Increase The Risk Of SIDS
Today’s post is from Wendy Lydall, author of the book Raising a Vaccine Free Child. To buy the book, visit this website: Raising a Vaccine Free Child
Around the world, medical authorities tell parents that it has been scientifically proven that vaccination does not cause SIDS, and sometimes they even tell parents that vaccination prevents SIDS. However, the studies that are used to justify these claims use research methods that are scientifically flawed. [Read more…]
Top Australian Immunisation Official Admits Problems With Vaccines And Vaccine Laws
Professor Peter McIntyre, one of the architects of Australia’s immunisation schedule, made quite a few admissions of problems with vaccines and our Australian vaccination laws in May last year (2017). [Read more…]
Discovery Of Super-High Aluminium Levels In Brains Of Autistic People
In a breakthrough study, shockingly high levels of aluminium have been found in the brains of autistic people, and aluminium in vaccines is implicated as having a part in the mechanism that causes autism. [Read more…]
Don’t Blame The Unvaccinated For Whooping Cough
Here in Australia, unvaccinated children are blamed for young infants becoming seriously ill or dying from whooping cough (pertussis), and the government say it is very important to raise the vaccination rate. However, when we had much lower vaccination rates for pertussis, the number of reported cases was also much lower.
In 1991, around 70% of Australian children were fully vaccinated and there were only 347 cases of Whooping Cough, while in 2011 with over 90% of children vaccinated, we had 38,758 cases. How can the unvaccinated be blamed for this disease spreading? [Read more…]
Andrew Wakefield Is Not A Fraud
So many times we see and hear people saying Dr. Andrew Wakefield is a fraud. They even say he “made up his whole paper” and has “been in jail”!
These statements are far from the truth, and I hope the information on this page is useful for anyone wanting to understand what has happened. [Read more…]
Let’s Demolish The Exaggerated Claims About Measles Danger
The CDC says that for every 1000 measles cases, one or two will die, and one will develop encephalitis, which commonly leads to brain damage, here and here
Another example from the CDC:
That makes measles look rather dangerous.
Many news stories about measles or vaccines quote these statistics, often with a prominent doctor saying it. [Read more…]
Fear Of Measles
Today I am very pleased to be bringing you a guest post by Wendy Lydall, author of the book Raising A Vaccine Free Child. BUY NOW here: Raising a Vaccine Free Child (edition 2).
On Sunday the 14th of June 2015 the Australian population was treated to a blast of the terrifying “news” that measles cases were increasing and some people could die or become brain damaged because not every parent was vaccinating. [Read more…]
Australian Premiere Of VaxXed Movie
At long last the film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is coming to Australia!
It is showing first in Brisbane, on Thursday December 6. Find the Press Release here, with all the information.
VaxXed Press Release Australia
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a documentary film detailing the claims made by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Senior Scientist, Dr. William ‘Bill’ Thompson. [Read more…]