Most people find it extremely hard to believe that what their family doctor is telling them about vaccines could be false, or that their doctor might be believing information from sources that are corrupted – good people who tell the truth generally expect other people to be good and tell the truth. If you work through this page, what will unfold is the sad, sad story of the corruption and vested interests of pharmaceutical companies, politicians, health authorities and the media, with regard to vaccines.
The problem is that if all the people jumping up and down about the dangers of vaccines are right, then vaccines have been causing millions of injuries every year, and it is all for nothing because infectious diseases are not the danger they are made out to be. But are they right?
Dr Andrew Wakefield
Andrew Wakefield was a respected British gastroenterologist who began research into digestive problems in autistic children in collaboration with other doctors in the UK, after being called by parents seeking help.
His work indicated severe digestive issues and he asked for more investigation of the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine.
Brian Deer is the reporter who savaged Dr Wakefield from the pages of the Sunday Times, a paper managed by Rupert Murdoch’s son James Murdoch who is on the board of GlaxoSmithKline which makes the MMR.
Deer researched his case with the help of Medico-Legal Investigations, a private enquiry company whose only source of funding is the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry.
Deer was both the journalist writing on Wakefield and the person who brought a case of fitness to practice medicine to the General Medical Council (GMC), and then wrote about the proceedings as well.
Parents whose children were treated by Wakefield were denied the right to be heard before a real court on claims against the vaccine manufacturers.
The High Court judge who denied them was Sir Nigel Davis, whose brother is an executive board member of Elsevier, publishers of the Lancet which removed Wakefield’s 1998 paper on the subject, and is on the Board of GlaxoSmithKline.
With the London Times giving Brian Deer free reign to attack Wakefield, media closed in like shark. Coincidentally, the head of Reuters serves on the Board of Merck, and Miriam Stoppard who writes at the Daily Mirror newspaper is married to Sir Christopher Hogg, who was Chairman of GlaxoSmith Kline in 2004.
Dr Kumar, the Chairman of the GMC Fitness to Practise Panel who ruled against Dr Andrew Wakefield, would not answer questions about his shareholdings in GlaxoSmithKline, and said there was no such thing as vaccine damage and that any parents who claimed that their children had suffered such would be treated with scorn and contempt.
Wakefield lost his licence to practise and left the UK. What had he done that Murdoch’s machine went into action, creating fictions about him, getting his work pulled from the Lancet, getting him brought before the GMC to ultimately lose his licence?
Wakefield suggested that until further studies, the measles vaccine should be given as a separate vaccine rather than in combination as the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella).
That’s it.
He did not suggest that children not take a measles vaccine, only that there be caution until the MMR was investigated further. This reasonable suggestion was met immediately by the single measles vaccines being taken off the market.
(Source: Murdoch and Vaccines: Exposure of Crimes Reveals a Much Larger Story, July 2011)
The Families
Watch this documentary, it features the families from Wakefield’s study, and Brian Deer doing what he does:
Selective Hearing – Brian Deer and The GMC
The Lancet Paper
Please look at Wakefield’s ‘Lancet 12’ paper, retracted by the Lancet’s editor 12 years after publication. Can you find anywhere the authors claimed the MMR causes autism, other than reporting what the parents said? And notice the paper is labelled ‘Early Report’, the Lancet’s term for a case series (a case series is a simple report of observations used to inspire further investigation, rather than a full-blown research project).
Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children
“We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described” and “Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.”
Have a look at two articles dealing with the criticisms of Wakefield:
The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Destroyed for Telling the Truth (August 2014)
British Court Throws Out Conviction of Autism/Vaccine MD: Andrew Wakefield’s Co-Author Completely Exonerated (March 2012)
If you are researching Andrew Wakefield and would find a timeline helpful, I have written up a timeline page here: Andrew Wakefield Timeline
Andrew Wakefield speaking
2015, April (talk) – Dr. Wakefield Full Conference – Ignite the Truth
2016, May (video on Vaxxed website) – Dr. Andrew Wakefield Deals With Allegations
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Read this article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, nephew of JFK and environmental law attorney, which was published in Rolling Stone and on in 2005. Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity. Government Cover-up of a Mercury/Autism Scandal
He starts by talking about a secret CDC meeting at a retreat called Simpsonwood, in an isolated part of Georgia, in 2000. As well as CDC scientists and other scientists, public health and drug company representatives were present; they were discussing how they could hide the data showing mercury in vaccines was causing neurological conditions including autism. He goes on to discuss mercury in vaccines and other products, and about mercury’s continued use despite knowledge of its dangers.
About Robert F. Kennedy Jr:
In the introduction to his book Thimerosal (about mercury in vaccines), Kennedy says:
“For 30 years as a litigator and environmental advocate, I have fought to make rigorous science the driver of public policy in the global warming arena, in the tobacco wars, and in my many battles with pesticide and chemical companies as well as in the many dozens of legal skirmishes ranging from the Hudson River to Alaska’s Cook Inlet, from the West Virginia coal fields to the Louisiana oil patch, from the Caribean island of Vieques to Puget Sound. I have fought these battles in issues including acid rain, ozone, coal ash, particulates, PCBs, lead, mercury, hydrocarbons, pesticides, and numerous other poisons that have been the subject of the hundreds of cases I’ve argued against polluters and their crooked scientists.”
CDC Whistleblower
In August 2014 a senior scientist at the CDC (US gov) turned whistleblower and gave Congressman Bill Posey 100,000 pages of documents about how his group had rigged research, hiding a connection they had found between vaccines and autism. This group were the scientists responsible for investigating the safety of vaccines on behalf of the US government. In this video Posey implores Congress to investigate the documents (they are stalling).
Read this news report, which tells the story of the CDC whistleblower:
Obama Admin Grants Immunity To CDC Scientist That Fudged Vaccine Report…Whistleblower Plans To Testify Before Congress

Dr William Thompson
Here is the paper William Thompson is now discrediting:
Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children With Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta
This paper was held up as the seminal research that proved once and for all that vaccines do not cause autism. Based on these findings and 4 other papers, the IOM recommended to the CDC that they should not do any more research into a link between vaccines and autism, in 2004. So they haven’t.
This is Willian Thompson’s press release, released via his lawyer:
August 27, 2014 Press Release, “Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism”
Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe is a film that started showing in theatres around the USA in April 2016. It is about the CDC whistleblower’s claim the population study used by the CDC to “prove” there is no link between the MMR vaccine and autism was rigged, and other damning information about the CDC. Trailer:
Visit the website for information: Vaxxed: From Cover-up To Catastrophe
Vaxxed reviews well worth a read:
Review of the Film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”
Vaxxed! The Movie I Couldn’t and Didn’t Watch . . . Until I Did
More Whistle Blowers
In another whistleblower case, two Merck scientists have said they were told by their bosses to falsify their test results, to show the mumps vaccine was much more effective than it really was. They did what they were told but kept documents for proof and reported Merck to authorities.
The case has gone to court and is in process, but it has been delayed for many years – the case is very damning and will have far-reaching consequences if allowed to progress. A result of Merck’s behaviour is that mumps vaccine immunity does not last, and many boys have caught mumps as young men, where it can be very painful in the testes and cause sterility.
Andrew Wakefield has now made a film about this case, called Protocol-7. Here’s a 2016 article about the situation: Two more MMR vaccine whistleblowers: they’re suing
Sharyl Attkisson
Sharyl Attkisson is a respected US investigative journalist who often writes about US government coverups, both Republican and Democrat. She usually can’t publish articles questioning vaccines and vaccine policy in the mainstream media because of the threat of pharmaceutical companies withdrawing their advertising with the media organisation (drug advertising is big in the US). Here is a list of vaccine articles on her website, by herself and others:
Sharyl Attkisson / Medical & Vaccine
This article of Sharyl’s is very much worth a read:
CDC’s immunization safety director says it’s a “possibility” that vaccines rarely trigger autism but “it’s hard to predict who those children might be.” (They’re not even trying.)
See also this article:
President of network news division confirms that 70 percent of revenue comes from pharma advertisements
“He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.”
In this TEDx talk Sharyl Attkisson talks about astroturf i.e. fake grass roots movements, and how pharmaceutical companies use it to manipulate people’s thinking.
In the following article she descibes the “array of blogs that use words such as “science” and “skeptic” in their titles or propaganda in an attempt to portray an image of neutrality and logic when they are often fighting established science and serving pro-pharmaceutical industry agendas.”
Top 10 Astroturfers
Jeremy R. Hammond
Here is an article from another US investigative journalist Jeremy R. Hammond, July 2015. It is worth clicking through to the sources – if scientific papers conclude by encouraging vaccination, which is seemingly at odds with this article, please look at declarations of funding. You often find the research is funded by the pharmaceutical industry, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and so on, so scientists have to be careful if they want to keep their careers. Also, these scientists are often studying problems with vaccines with the goal of improving them – hence the apparent contradiction of reporting problems with vaccines and having a pro-vaccine stance.
A Measles Death, Vaccines, and the Media’s Failure to Inform
Dr Julie Gerberding
Dr Julie Gerberding was director of the CDC from 2002 to January 2009. In her role as chief of this government regulator of medicines, she was responsible for approving vaccines. In 2008 she approved Merck’s HPV vaccine Gardasil, worth an estimated one billion dollars to Merck.
On January 25 2010 Gerberding joined Merck to become president of Merck Vaccines, a vastly better-paid job than head of the CDC (one year is the minimum time allowable for former Federal officials to take such a job with companies they used to regulate).
None of this proves anything untoward, but it’s concerning that many health officials, doctors and scientists follow this kind of career path in the US and elsewhere.
Have a look at this interview of Gerberding, edited and published by Ginger Taylor, an autism mum: Sanjay Gupta interviews CDC Director Julie Gerberding on Vaccine Induced Autism.
Gerberding says that in certain kids vaccines can set off damage, and some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism. This is a ridiculous statement because autism is a set of symptoms; if you have characteristics of autism you have autism. She is actually saying vaccines can cause autism, while deviously pretending not to.
Gerberding also says in the video that vaccines save 33,000 children a year from death. Really? How could she know that? This death rate in children due to “vaccine-preventable diseases” was not seen in developed nations before vaccines came in, so why would we see it now?
Richard Smith
This 2005 article is written by Richard Smith, who until stepping down in 2004 was editor and chief executive of the BMJ Publishing Group, which published 25 journals, including the BMJ, one of Britain’s most prestigious medical journals.
Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies
Your local family doctor
If you believe your local family doctor can be trusted to know about the vaccines they are offering you, think again. This Australian doctor has a thriving medical practice in Nundah, Brisbane and in September 2015 he spoke at an inquiry that was held in the Queensland Parliament regarding excluding unvaccinated children from childcare, as a representative of the Australian Medical Association.
Who do you think you’re Kidd-ing?
He said the MMR could be given to pregnant women – it should NOT be. He DID NOT KNOW the adult booster vaccine for pertussis is combined with the adult booster for diphtheria and tetanus. He did not know about (or deliberately denied) the extensive science literature linking vaccines to immune dysfunction. Would you trust Dr Richard Kidd?
Professor Peter Collignon
It is worth noting a comment made by Professor Peter Collignon, professor of microbiology at the Australian National University and director of infectious diseases at Canberra Hospital, reported in this article about the debacle that was the 2010 version of the vaccine Fluvax, introduced as a response to the 2009 swine flu epidemic in Australia.
Virus in the system (The Australian)
About half way through the article, Colligon is quoted:
“I’ve had people ring me from various sources and various levels of government to make it very clear I would be responsible for the deaths of large numbers of people if I kept on talking to the media,” he says. “There’s been a lot of pressure on me. Like a lot of medical people, I believe vaccines are terrific – but it has come to the situation where it’s almost like motherhood, that you cannot question it, especially in the public arena, for fear you’ll undermine the vaccination program.”
He is referring to the way doctors and health officials feel they can’t talk publicly about problems with vaccines because they or others fear people might stop vaccinating, and deadly diseases will spread.
What had he been saying? From the article:
Citing data from NSW Health, he has found that the risk of a healthy child or teenager dying from swine flu in 2009, before a vaccine was available, was less than one in two million for those without underlying health problems such as asthma or heart disease.
“To stop two or three children going to intensive care we had to immunise 600,000 people,” he says. “We need to be very careful before we recommend universal vaccination against influenza every year until we have better data. Otherwise we’re talking about faith-based medicine, instead of evidence-based medicine.”
That’s it! It’s an introduction, to give you context and lines of inquiry.
Please see the Articles page for more articles.
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